What we offer Individuals
You want to be known as a leader who is actually worth* following. In order to do that, you need to be engaged in effective leadership development. The problem is most people waste an enormous amount of time and money on development that only focuses on 23% of what makes a leader effective. You shouldn’t be frustrated, stuck, or stagnated by your development. You should be investing your time and money with confidence. That’s why, when we learned how development often leaves 77% unresolved, we started The Aperio—not only to focus on the right things, but to develop a now-proven method that can actually help people grow.
If you’re ready to explore making these principles an active part of your life and leadership, we’d love to talk with you and help you become a leader worth* following.
In the meantime, learn more about The Who* Not What Principle
“For the first time, I see, out of any [other] of training [I’ve done], a process which forces real execution and action.”
Aperio Client
“We are all striving to be better models of ourselves, but we all fail in a variety of different ways, because we are all broken in a variety of different ways.”
Aperio Client
“The art of effective leadership is about people’s willingness to trust you.”
Aperio Client

Coaching by The Aperio™ is designed to pair you with a Guide who will focus on The Leadership Tree and The Who* Not What Principle in an individual relationship. The timing, frequency, and specific topics in the coaching relationship are based on your unique needs.
To inquire about starting a coaching relationship with an Aperio Guide, schedule a call.
aperio /a’ pe.ri.o’/ — to uncover, make clear, or reveal.

How The Aperio Works:
Uncover The Who* Not What Principle
The Aperio Message has, at its core, this principle that accounts for 77% of leader effectiveness.
aperio MESSAGE™
Connect with
A Skilled Guide
Aperio Guides know the way. They know what the journey toward being a leader worth* following looks like, and they will help you get there.
aperio guides™
Engage in a
Proven Method
The Aperio Method has been used by 300+ leaders to address the unique challenges of implementing The Who* Not What Principle.
aperio METHOD™
Read The Only Leaders Worth* Following
The Only Leaders Worth* Following explores what makes some leaders successful while others fail. In it, Tim Spiker explains the Who* Not What Principle—that becoming a truly great leader is far more about developing Who we are as people than improving What we do.