Every journey needs an experienced Guide.
We can connect you with one.
guides know the way.
Our method is based on a prescribed journey, and our Guides know the way. They are there to guide you, but the work is yours to do.
Guides focus on the 77%.
Our Guides are trained to focus on the unique truths of not just The Who* Not What Principle but the whole of The Leadership Tree. Becoming a leader who is worth* following requires a unique focus—a focus on the things that really matter.
guides tailor your unique journey.
Everyone is on their own journey. While our Journeys may have a prescribed track, our Guides tailor the journey to what you and your organization need.
guides are on the journey with you.
The Aperio helps you become, be, and stay a leader worth following, but none of us ever arrive. Our Guides are in the process of being worth* following right alongside you. The Journey is never really over. Not for you. Not for us. Not for our Guides.