You don’t want to waste your time in development that doesn’t last.
Information alone won't make you a good leader.
(A webinar isn't going to do it.) It takes commitment to a proven method to develop
you are.
(A webinar isn't going to do it.) It takes commitment to a proven method to develop
you are.
It takes commitment to a proven method to develop
you are.tested Methodology
The Aperio Method has been used within every aspect of The Aperio’s work. It has been used with 3000+ leaders throughout North America, Australia, and Asia.
Lasting results
In addition to high satisfaction scores from participants, The Aperio Method has been shown to create lasting change that is reflected in independent leadership assessment scores.
Lasting change happens over time, not overnight.

What is
The Aperio Method?
The Aperio Method?
While the specifics of The Aperio Method are proprietary, here is a general overview: The Aperio Method follows adult learning methodologies that maximize learning and retention. Because of its effectiveness it is employed in every leadership development engagement.
Key actions
Learn – Resources you participate in, listen to, watch, or read in order to gain new understandings or review previous learnings.
Apply – Activities, exercises, or practices (usually developed by your Small Group) to be used in real-time and real life.
Reflect – An intentional pause to identify learnings and insights. Done individually, in your Small Group, and in the larger group.
Learn + Apply + Reflect → BECOME
The Process:
Step 1: KickOff
Each quarter begins with an Aperio Guide leading a discussion of that quarter’s unique and singular focus. This is followed by the development of an Action Plan for each Small Group (3-4 individuals) to execute during the quarter.
Step 2: Application
During the quarter, individuals will execute their Action Plan and reflect on this execution within their Small Group (via short weekly updates and once-a-month, in-person interactions).
The Guide will continue to send additional instruction; but the majority of the learning will come through peer observations, personal experience, and reflections.
Step 3: Wrap-Up
The Guide will initiate a Reflection exercise 1-2 weeks before the quarter’s end (this includes one-on-one feedback from the Guide).
A final discussion by the Guide will close out the quarter to solidify the core message and application.